Home Alone

Last night I spent the evening alone. Thierry was meeting up with a client so I had a few hours to myself. I'm a people person, I love being surrounded by friends and family. But sometimes I enjoy being alone. Thierry won't believe me but it's the truth! I do my cleaning when no one is home, I watch the worst chick flicks, I have total control over the remote and I eat the most boring meals, mostly cereal. But last night I decided, "No more Vector cereal. Make yourself a real meal". So I decided to make a wonderful dinner. It's a meatless pasta dish, something I couldn't sell to Thierry because, to him, a meal is not a meal without meat! Ugh! MEN!


What you need:

1 eggplant
1 head of garlic
2 red bell peppers
Olive Oil
Salt and Pepper
1 28-ounce can of fire roasted whole tomatoes
1 package of spaghetti

Heat oven at 450 degrees. Cut the eggplant lengthwise and drizzle with olive oil and salt and pepper. Cut the tip of the garlic and drizzle with olive oil and salt and pepper. Place the eggplant cut side down on baking sheet and wrap the garlic in aluminum foil and place alongside the eggplant. Cook for 40-45m.

Char the roasted red peppers on a gas burner. Remove the peppers and place in a bowl covered with plastic wrap. Once cooled, remove the skins of the peppers. Cook pasta al dente.

Spoon the eggplant and remove the cloves from the wrapping. Place eggplant, garlic, and peppers in a food processor. In a pot, heat the tomatoes and break the tomatoes with a potato masher. Add the vegetable puree and mix together. Toss in pasta. {Recipe via Rachael Ray

Bon appétit!

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