Promenons-nous dans le bois

 {Please do not judge my cousin's outerwear. She's actually wearing my brother in laws jacket and mismatched tuque}

{I'm sporting my brother-in-law's flattering hunting gear}

A few weeks ago my cousin and I left the city to go to my sister's home in the country. Like I tell my city folks my sister lives in the middle of no where and has fields as neighbours but I love going there. I've always called it my therapy where I exchange the hustle and bustle of  the city life for walks in her woods, sitting around fire pits, and listening to nothing but birds or my brother-in-law's goose or turkey calls.

Since it was my cousin's first time I thought I would bring her deep into the woods. Bad idea. We ended up getting stuck in mucky water with the 4-wheeler (the we included me, my cousin, my 7 year old nephew, and my 5 year old niece). We attempted to pull, push, lift the 4-wheeler but we failed and left it there. We had to walk back in the woods, cross over a small creek and carry my niece who was was cold and decided now was the time for a major breakdown. A major adventure for us city girls.

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